Minimonos Parties!!

Yes Their is 1... just look below...

BOOM!! It's time to announce our next official MiniMonos party, Monkeys!
Come and celebrate the 4th of July with us...on July 3rd! :-D
The party starts at the MiniMonos 'See You Sunday' live show -- then we'll all move to MiniMonos Island to PARTY ON!!
Date:  July 3rd, (US, UK)
Time:  3pm, Monkey Standard Time (US Pacific)
Where: Tune into See You Sunday with Bananatastic, then continue the party at Hana Cove, Star Tiger!
Don't worry if you can't make this party -- for those monkeys in other timezones, there's another 4th of July party announcement, coming soon! :-)
Light it up, Monkeys!!